Installation files

The installation files are available on GitHub.

Download the orchestration files. As part of the install/upgrade process, these orchestration files pull down the necessary Docker images.

Note that although the filename of the tar.gz file differs depending on how you access the file, the content is the same.

Download from the GitHub page

  1. Select the link to download the .tar.gz file from the GitHub page:

  2. Uncompress the Black Duck .gz file:

    gunzip hub-2024.10.1.tar.gz
  3. Unpack the Black Duck.tar file:

    tar xvf hub-2024.10.1.tar

Download using the wget command

  1. Run the following command:

  2. Uncompress the Black Duck .gz file:

    gunzip v2024.10.1.tar.gz
  3. Unpack the Black Duck.tar file:

    tar xvf v2024.10.1.tar