Frequently recommended Black Duck Detect options
Below are some of the more frequently used Black Duck Detect properties and their use.
Check for policy violations
- A comma-separated list of policy violation severities that will fail Black Duck Detect. If this is not set, Black Duck Detect will not fail due to policy violations for full scans.
--detect.timeout. When using the policy check property above, you may need to increase the timeout for larger, more complex projects.
Perform a Rapid Scan
- Use these two properties to run a package manager only, synchronous scan,
returning scan results to the command line, without creating a BOM or saving
results in Black Duck. Defaults to false.
Disable signature (also known as file system) scanning and rely on package manager scanning exclusively
- Runs the Detector tool only.
Include and exclude options to tune what gets analyzed by the Signature Scanner
--detect.blackduck.signature.scanner.exclusion.patterns. Enables you to exclude the folder matching the absolute path from the scanning target folder.
- Enables you to provide folder patterns to exclude. Black Duck Detect will search all folders inside the scanning target and then exclude those matching the supplied patterns.
--detect.blackduck.signature.scanner.paths. Enables you to specify that these paths and only these paths will be scanned for full scanning.
Click here for more information on Black Duck Detect properties.