Database requirements

Black Duck uses the PostgreSQL object-relational database to store data.

CAUTION: Do not delete data from the Black Duck database (bds_hub) unless directed to do so by a Black Duck Technical Support representative. Be sure to follow appropriate backup procedures. Deletion of data will cause errors ranging from UI problems to complete failure of Black Duck to start. Black Duck Technical Support cannot recreate deleted data. If no backups are available, Black Duck will provide support on a best-effort basis.

Prior to installing Black Duck, determine whether you want to use the database container that is automatically installed or an external PostgreSQL instance.

Important: As of Black Duck 2022.7.0, Black Duck recommends PosgtreSQL 14 for new installs that use external PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL 11.x is no longer supported for external PostgreSQL instances. For users of the internal PostgreSQL container, PostgreSQL 13 remains as the supported version.

For an external PostgreSQL instance, Black Duck supports:

  • PostgreSQL 13.x, 14.x via Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)

  • PostgreSQL 13.x, 14.x via Google Cloud SQL

  • PostgreSQL 13.x, 14.x (Community Edition)

  • PostgreSQL 13.x, 14.x via Microsoft Azure

Note: PostgreSQL 10.x or PostgreSQL 12.x is not supported.

Refer to Configuring an external PostgreSQL instance for more information.

Note: For PostgreSQL sizing guidelines, see the system requirements.