KnowledgeBase Feedback Service

The KnowledgeBase feedback is used to enhance Black Duck KnowledgeBase (KB) capabilities.

  • Feedback is sent when you make BOM adjustments to the component, version, origin, origin ID, or license of a match made by the KB.

  • Feedback is also sent if you identify unmatched files to a component; it is not sent for manually added components that do not have files associated with them.

  • Feedback is used to improve the accuracy of future matches. This information also helps Black Duck to prioritize resources so that components which are important to our customers can be examined in more detail.

Important: No customer-identifiable information is transmitted to the KB.

User-agent analytics

The KnowledgeBase uses originating user-agent analytics to improve the scalability of of KnowledgeBase services and improve quality of service for users.

The additional header information increases the header size of outgoing HTTP requests to the KnowledgeBase. It is possible that some intermediate egress proxies (customer managed) may require reconfiguration to support the additional header size, but this scenario is unlikely.

Disabling the feedback service

By default, the KnowledgeBase feedback service is enabled: adjustments that you make to a BOM are sent to the KnowledgeBase.

  • You can override the feedback service by using the BLACKDUCK_KBFEEDBACK_ENABLED environment variable. A value of false overrides the feedback service and BOM adjustments are not sent to the KnowledgeBase.

  • To disable the feedback service, add BLACKDUCK_KBFEEDBACK_ENABLED=false to the blackduck-config.env file.

Note: Set the value to true to re-enable the feedback service.