Setting up SCM providers
Black Duck SCM integrations allows for direct communication with SCM providers, allowing Black Duck to automatically obtain repository and branch information when Detect scans are performed on cloned Git repositories, and populating dropdowns and search boxes in order to increase ease of use and data accuracy.
Enabling SCM integration
SCM integration utilizes a service that runs strictly within a Kubernetes
environment, either native or Kubernetes in Docker (KinD). The helm charts will need
to be used to install Black Duck to use this feature. This feature is not enabled by
default in Black Duck and must be activated by adding the feature to your Product Registration key and then
adding the following in your values.yaml
enableIntegration: true
Creating an OAuth App
Before setting up a SCM provider in Black Duck, you must first authenticate the project.
For GitHub and GitHub Enterprise, you must create an OAuth App:
- Go to and OAuth Apps and create a new app (or the corresponding URL for GitHub Enterprise).
Fill the following fields:
Application Name
Homepage URL: The URL of your Black Duck Server
Application Description
Authorization Callback URL:
<Homepage URL>/api/scm/github/callback
Click Save. This will generate the Client ID to be used in Black Duck.
Click Generate secret. This will generate a secret string to be used in Black Duck.
For GitLab Self-Managed:
Go to <gitlab_server_name>/-/profile/applications. You should see add new application.
Fill the following fields:
Name: provide any name.
- Redirect URI: <bd_server_name>/api/scm/gitlab/callback
- Uncheck the Confidential checkbox.
- Enable API in the Scopes section.
For BitBucket:
Go to <bitbucket_server_name>/plugins/servlet/applinks/listApplicationLinks
Click Create Link.
Select External application.
Select Incoming in the Direction dialog box and then click OK.
Fill the following fields:
Name: Provide a name.
Redirect URI: <bd_server_name>/api/scm/bitbucket/callback
Check the Write checkbox under Repositories in the Application permissions section.
Setting up a SCM integration
To set up a SCM integration:
Log into Black Duck as a System Administrator.
and select Integrations.
Fill the following fields:
Check the Enable Server checkbox.
Enter the Client ID generated from the GitHub website.
Enter the Secret generated from the GitHub website.
Click Save.
Setting up a GitHub Enterprise SCM integration
To set up a GitHub Enterprise SCM integration:
Log into Black Duck as a System Administrator.
and select Integrations.
Click GitHub Enterprise.
Click + Add Server.
Fill the following fields:
Server Name: Enter a name for your server.
Server URL: Enter your GitHub Enterprise server URL.
Client ID: Enter the Client ID generated from the GitHub website.
Secret: Enter the Secret generated from the GitHub website.
Check the Enable Server checkbox.
Click Create.
Setting up a GitLab Self-Managed SCM integration
To set up a GitLab Self-Managed SCM integration:
Log into Black Duck as a System Administrator.
and select Integrations.
Click GitLab Self-Managed.
Click + Add Server.
Fill the following fields:
Server Name: Enter a name for your server.
Server URL: Enter your GitLab Self-Managed server URL.
Client ID: Enter the Client ID generated from the GitLab website.
Secret: Enter the Secret generated from the GitLab website.
Check the Enable Server checkbox.
Click Create.
Setting up a GitLab SaaS SCM integration
To set up a GitLab SaaS SCM integration:
Log into Black Duck as a System Administrator.
and select Integrations.
Click GitLab SaaS.
Click + Add Server.
Fill the following fields:
Server Name: Enter a name for your server.
Client ID: Enter the Client ID generated from the GitLab website.
Secret: Enter the Secret generated from the GitLab website.
Check the Enable Server checkbox.
Click Create.
Setting up a Bitbucket SCM integration
To set up a Bitbucket SCM integration:
Log into Black Duck as a System Administrator.
and select Integrations.
Click Bitbucket.
Click + Add Server.
Fill the following fields:
Server Name: Enter a name for your server.
Client ID: Enter the Client ID generated from the Bitbucket website.
Secret: Enter the Secret generated from the Bitbucket website.
Check the Enable Server checkbox.
Click Create.
Setting up a Bitbucket Data Center SCM integration
To set up a Bitbucket Data Center SCM integration:
Log into Black Duck as a System Administrator.
and select Integrations.
Click Bitbucket Data Center.
Click + Add Server.
Fill the following fields:
Server Name: Enter a name for your server.
Server URL: Enter your Bitbucket Data Center server URL.
Client ID: Enter the Client ID generated from the Bitbucket Data Center website.
Secret: Enter the Secret generated from the Bitbucket Data Center website.
Check the Enable Server checkbox.
Click Create.