Browsing scans
You can view the results of a scan and the status of a scan that is in progress on the Scan Name page.
To browse component scans:
Log in to Black Duck.
Click .
Scans page
The Scans page displays a list of all scans available in Black Duck. These can be created through Detect (as BDIO files) or by importing SBOM files.
The Scans page is composed of the following elements:
The header bar contains the options to upload new scans, delete scans, export the scan list to CSV, and filter the scan list.
The table contains the list of scans available in Black Duck:
The Status column displays whether or not the scan was a success with a or a failure with a .
The Name column displays the scan's name. If the scan or upload failed, an error will be displayed in this column under the name of the scan.
The Scan Size column displays the file size of the scan.
The Created column displays when the scan was added to Black Duck. Note that this timestamp may not necessarily reflect when the scan was created. To find the creation date of the scan, click the scan and see the Created On timestamp in the Scan Details section.
The Updated column displays the date when the scan was last modified.
The Mapped To column displays the project name to which this scan is mapped.
Scan name page
To view the details of a particular scan:
Click the name of the scan in the Name column to open the Scan Name page.
The Scan Details section provides the following information:
Path: Path to the code.
Host: Name of the machine where the latest scan was performed.
Created on: When the scan was created. This is the specific timestamp when the scan was completed. This may not necessarily reflect the time displayed in the Scan table.
Scan Size: File size of the scan.
Match count: The total number of folders and files matched.
Folders: Number of folders found in the scanned code.
- Files: Number of files in the scanned code.
The Mapped to Project Version section displays the project and project versions to which the scan is currently mapped. If this scan is unmapped, use the Map Scan to Project Version section to map this scan to a project or create a project and/or version.
The Scan History section displays the following information about each of the scans:
- State of a scan. Possible values are:
PROCESSING: Scanning is in progress. This is a running state. A reason will also be added to further explain the current state. These include:
COMPLETE: The scanner has completed the scan successfully. This is a terminal state. It will be accompanied with a transition reason explaining further how the scan was successfully completed. These include:
COMPLETE: The scan and matching process is complete and that BOM computation may proceed. Note that this status also appears if Black Duck has determined that the scan was a duplicate.
CLONED: Black Duck is cloning the project version.
SKIPPED: The scan has been skipped.
ERROR: The scanner was not able to complete the scan successfully. This is a terminal state, meaning that it will be accompanied with a transition reason explaining further how the scan failed. These include:
CANCELLED: A user cancelled the scan before it was completed.
ERROR_TOOL: "Scan Submitted and Errored". The scan was submitted but an error or timeout occurred in the tool that submitted the scan and the tool is failing the scan.
ERROR_SCANNING: "Scan Error". The scan could not be completed by scanner.
ERROR_SAVING_SCAN_DATA: "Saving Scan Data Error". An error occurred when attempting to save scan data.
ERROR_MATCHING: "Matching Error". An error occurred during the matching process.
ERROR_BUILDING_BOM: "Building BOM Error". An error occurred when attempting to build the BOM. This is for migration and backward compatibility only.
ERROR: A schema error has occurred.
Host name of the machine where the latest scan was performed.
Path to the code.
Scan size.
Time the scan was created.
User who initiated the component scan.
View Import Log: The import log is a collection of audit records that detail information on KB component matching successes and failures for external namespaces and identifiers. An example of use would be to help identify what components were "not found" during the scan and subsequently not added to the BOM report as it may not be immediately obvious from looking at the BOM.
This only applies for the following scan types:
Package manager scans
Binary analysis scans
Docker inspector scans
Protex BOM import scans
Signature/snippet scans do not have this functionality and that is intended. The Source tab should be used when reviewing signature/snippet matches.