Searching for vulnerabilities

You can search Black Duck for published security vulnerabilities. Searching by vulnerability is an efficient way to:

  • Identify if a new or existing security vulnerability affects a component that is included in your projects.

  • Review the severity of the security vulnerability to determine if remediation is required.

  • Create a custom vulnerability dashboard so that you can focus on the vulnerabilities that are important to you.

To search for vulnerabilities:

  1. Click Search icon to open the Find page and select the Vulnerabilities tab.

  2. Optionally, type your search term in the Search Term field.

  3. Optionally, select any filters, as described in the next section, "Using search filters".

    Note that you can enter a search term only, include filters with the search term, or just search using filters.

  4. Optionally, save this search, so that the results appear on the Dashboard page.

The Find page displays the vulnerabilities that meet your search criteria.

Vulnerability Search Results

You can also perform a global search by typing your search term in the Search field located at the top of the application and pressing Enter or clicking Search icon. If not displayed, select the Vulnerabilities tab to view your results. Note that entering a global search term initiates a new search and resets any filters you previously selected.

Using search filters

For each filter:

  • Where necessary, click + to display the filter values; click to hide them.

  • If you select more than one type of filter, Black Duck displays items that match all values. If you select more than one value for a specific filter, Black Duck displays items that match either value.

    For example, if you use the remediation status filter and select new and needs review, the search results display all vulnerabilities that have a remediation status of new or needs review. If you select a remediation status of new and a security filter of high, the search results display only those vulnerabilities that meet have a remediation status of new and a high security level.

Use the following filters to narrow your results when searching for vulnerabilities:

  • Affecting projects. Selecting this filter searches for vulnerabilities in your projects only. Clearing this filter searches Black Duck KnowledgeBase and your projects.

  • Default Remediation. Selecting this filter displays vulnerabilities that are automatically remediated.

  • Exploit. Select whether an exploit is available for a vulnerability.

  • First Detected. When the vulnerability first appeared in a BOM.

  • Overall Score. Enter the minimum overall score value; Black Duck displays vulnerabilities that have this score or higher.

  • Published Year. Year the vulnerability was published.

  • Severity. The severity levels shown depend on the selected security configuration as CVSS v2 does not have a critical security level.

  • Solution. Select whether a solution is available for a vulnerability.

  • Source. BDSA or NVD.

  • Vulnerability Tags. Select one or more vulnerability tags.

    Note: If searching for CISA Known Exploited Vulnerabilities, you must also check the Affecting Projects checkbox to display results.
  • Workaround. Select whether a workaround is available for a vulnerability.

Attention: Filter options and tags are not all supported for KnowledgeBase vulnerability queries and some queries are only supported for local vulnerabilities affecting project versions (using the checkbox). This means different behavior may be observed when using the Find page with and without the Affecting Projects checkbox enabled.

About the search results

Search results show all vulnerabilities that meet your search criteria. The following information is shown for each vulnerability:

Vulnerability search results
  • Select the vulnerability ID to view more information on the vulnerability, such as additional score values. You can view National Vulnerability Database (NVD) information by selecting the CVE number or view Black Duck Security Advisory (BDSA) information by selecting the BDSA number.

  • View the number of project versions that affected by this vulnerability next to Used By.

    Usage Text

    Select Project Versions to open the Affected Projects tab for the vulnerability which lists the project versions affected by this vulnerability.

    Affected projects
  • View the overall risk score. The search results show the Temporal Score for BDSA vulnerabilities or the Base Score for NVD vulnerabilities and the associated risk level. Note that the score shown and risk level depends on the selected security rankings.

    Select the score to view individual scores: temporal, base, exploitability, and impact for BDSA; base, exploitability, and impact for NVD.

  • View whether a solution, workaround, or exploit is available:
    • indicates that there is a solution or workaround available for this vulnerability.

    • Exploit icon indicates there is an exploit for this vulnerability.

  • For each vulnerability, the search results also show:
    • First Detected.

    • Published date.

    • Last modified date. Note that this date displays the last time the vulnerability was modified in the KnowledgeBase. It does not necessarily mean the vulnerability information was updated itself.

    • Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) number for this security vulnerability.

Note: Search results are limited to a maximum of 10,000 items.

Exporting to CSV

You can export your search results to CSV which converts the individual rows to tabular data. To do so, click the Export CSV button button and select CSV.