Version Details report
Depending on the categories you select, running a project version report creates these comma-separated files:
lists the same information as thecomponents_date_time.csv
report, but also includes BOM component, component, and component version custom field labels and the values selected for this project version. -
lists each component in the project version, including the respective licensing, usage, match type, operation risk information, policy violation information, and review status. -
lists the cryptography information for each component in the project version, including the algorithm ID, algorithm name, key length type, and key length. -
lists the license conflicts for this project version. -
lists the license terms and fulfillment status for this project version. -
lists the project version custom field labels and the values selected for this project version. -
lists the upgrade guidance information for all components for this project version as well as sub-projects.As Black Duck caches this data, the information shown in this report may lag Black Duck KnowledgeBase up to 24 hours.
lists the mapped scans. -
lists the security risk associated with each component, including the vulnerability ID and description, vulnerability scores, and remediation information. -
lists the individual files and dependencies associated with each component, including match type, usage information, and policy violation information. -
lists the name and details of the project version, including the release date, phase, method of release, and policy violation information. -
lists the component, vulnerability data, and vulnerability impact analysis data (called function, qualified name, and line number) for each component potentially reached by a vulnerability.This report is empty if there are no components that are potentially reachable.
For these project version reports:
The archive file name is <ProjectName-ProjectVersion>_<YYYY-MM-DD>_<HHMMSS>.zip (time stamp in system timezone).
The directory and filename are <ProjectName-ProjectVersion>_<YYYY-MM-DD>_<HHMMSS>/<fileName>_<YYYY-MM-DD>_<HHMMSS>.csv (same time stamps as archive file name).
The following characters < > \ / | : * ? + “ in the project or version name are replaced with underscores (_).
To run a project version detail report:
Select the project name using the Watching or My Projects dashboard. The Project Name page appears.
Select the version of the project for which you want to run the report.
Select the Reports tab.
- Click + Create New Report and select Version Details.
- Check or uncheck the Include Subprojects checkbox.
- Select the categories you would like to include in the report:
Component Additional Fields
License Conflicts
License Terms
Project Version Additional Fields
Upgrade Guidance
Version Details
Vulnerability Matches
- Click Create to run the report.
A link that includes the project and version name appears when the report completes. Any user who is a member of the project can access the link.
Download the report and extract the zip locally.