Unmatched component auto-creation on SBOM import
In an SBOM management workflow, the SBOM is the input and all of the components included in the SBOM need to be persisted in the SBOM management solution so that visibility isn't lost, regardless if there is a match to the KnowledgeBase. This feature provides the option to automatically populate unmatched components in the BOM with custom components of the same name in an SBOM import.
To use unmatched component auto-creation:
Log in to Black Duck.
Click the Upload File button and select either SBOM-SPDX or SBOM-CycloneDX.
Check the Unmatched Component Auto-Creation checkbox at the bottom of the Upload SBOM dialog box.
Map the scan to a project or create a new project for the scan.
Viewing auto-populated components in the BOM
Once your scan is mapped to a project, you can view the BOM by clicking the project's name in the Mapped To column of the Scans page or by navigating to the project on the Dashboard. Unmatched components that have been auto-populated will be included in the BOM report and can be found by using the Source/Type → Custom component filter on the project version page.